Port Hedland Industries Council is seeking expressions of interest from members of the Port Hedland community to be part of its Community Industry Forum.

PHIC established the forum in 2019. With meetings held every quarter, it is designed to connect all parts of the broader Port Hedland community, ensuring a free flow of information from industry, government, community groups, indigenous representatives and interested community members.

PHIC Chief Executive Officer Kirsty Danby, who chairs the meetings, said it was an excellent opportunity to receive and provide information first hand.

“We have a diverse range of speakers every quarter, not just from industry but from representatives across all sectors of the Port Hedland community,” Kirsty said.

CIF members recently took part in a tour of BHP’s wind fence and a mining 101 education session.

The purpose of the forum is to ensure meaningful engagement and ensure two-way information sharing and promote open, constructive communication between all stakeholders and to work towards developing a shared vision for Port Hedland.

It encourages open and constructive communication and informed discussion and assists to resolve community concerns and provide quick responses to emerging issues.

In line with this transparent approach, members of the CIF have agreed to publish reference documents, minutes and presentations on the PHIC website.

Expressions of interest applicants must reside in the Town of Port Hedland, be passionate about Port Hedland and its future and be available to attend quarterly meetings to discuss community and industry related issues.

Contact Chantel Cullen, admin@nullPHIC-hedland.com.au or 0477 477 257 for more details.