The Port of Port Hedland and its supply chain pumped $54.7 billion into WA’s economy in 2018/19, is responsible for one in every 12 jobs throughout the State, and supported the payment of $9.1 billion in wages and salaries to workers across WA in 2018/19.
Modelling by economic forecaster ACIL Allen Consulting for PHIC found that the port’s economic contribution accounted for 20 per cent of WA’s Gross State Product in 2018/19.
The economic benefits of the Port of Port Hedland and its associated supply chain flow beyond the region and WA. The modelling found that the Port of Port Hedland and the trade that is facilitated through the port in 2018/19 boosted Australia’s GDP by more than $64 billion.
It generated more than 133,000 full time jobs across Australia, delivered almost $4 billion in taxes to the Federal Government and paid $14.2 billion in wages and salaries to workers across Australia.