The Port Hedland Port and its supply chain continue to be the engine room of the WA economy accounting for more than 20% of all activity in the WA economy in 2022/23.
Key Economic Findings of 2023 The Economic Significance to the Port of Port Hedland report include:
Port Hedland
- The Port Hedland Port Supply Chain contributed $2.01 billion to the Gross Product of the Town of Port Hedland, comprising of a $678 million direct contribution and $1.33 billion of indirect economic output.
- The Port and its supply chain supported 8,158 direct and indirect full-time jobs in the Town of Port Hedland.
- The Port and its supply chain supported 74 per cent of total employment in Port Hedland.
- The Port and its supply chain generated $1.02 billion in wages and salaries income ($332.3 million direct and $691.8 million indirect) in the Town of Port Hedland.
- Every $1 of local expenditure by the Port and its supply chain generated flow-on expenditure of nearly $2.
- The Port Hedland Port Supply Chain accounted for $60.57 billion in direct economic output in the Pilbara region, with an additional $2.71 billion of indirect output supported throughout the Region.
- The total economic contribution to the Pilbara region was approximately $63.28 billion, accounting for almost three quarters of the Region’s economy.
- It is estimated the Port Hedland Supply Chain supported 22,487 direct and indirect FTE jobs in the Pilbara region, which equated to approximately 38% of total employment in the Region.
- The Port Hedland Port Supply Chain directly employed 10,890 FTE jobs, and a further 11,596 FTE jobs were indirectly created as a result of this activity, with an implied employment multiplier of 2.06.
- The Port Hedland Port Supply Chain supports one in every nine full-time Western Australian jobs.
- Total economic contribution to the WA economy of $90.68 billion accounting for over 20% of all activity in the WA economy.
- Collectively, the Port and its supply chain contribute more to the WA economy than any other sector outside of the mining industry. The Port Hedland Port Supply Chain generated four times the Gross Value Added of the Construction industry, Western Australia’s second largest industry sector in 2022-23.
- The WA Government received approximately $6 billion in direct taxation payments by the Port Hedland Port Supply Chain, 93% or $5.56 billion of which was resource royalties.
- The total economic contribution of the Port Hedland Port Supply Chain within Australia was $103.7 billion, equating to approximately 4% of the national economy. The Commonwealth Government received $14 billion in direct taxation contributions from the Port Hedland Port Supply Chain. • It is estimated the Port Hedland Port Supply Chain will contribute $156.3 billion in taxation and royalty payments to the WA Government and Commonwealth Government between 2023-24 and 2032-33.
- It is estimated the Port Hedland Port Supply Chain will contribute $156.3 billion in taxation and royalty payments to the WA Government and Commonwealth Government between 2023-24 and 2032-33.
Contribution to Taxes and Royalties 2022-23
- Approximately $6 billion in taxation payments to the WA Government ($5.56 billion in resource royalties, $329 million in payroll tax, and $102 million in other payments) – 13.9 per cent of general government sector revenue.
- $14 billion to the Federal Government (including company income taxes $12.36 billion, personal income tax $1.61 billion, and fringe benefits tax of $25 million).
- $156 million in fees, charges and rates to the local government sector .