The Port of Port Hedland and its supply chain support one in nine full-time jobs in WA, reinforcing the region’s reputation as an economic powerhouse and the port as vital State and national infrastructure.
Pilbara Ports outlines how it will facilitate the export of battery minerals such as lithium and copper concentrates, the import of renewable energy infrastructure including wind turbines and blades and support the growth of direct shipping services to the Pilbara in its 2022 revised development plan.
Increasing the operational capacity of Pilbara Ports was also identified by Infrastructure Australia as a national infrastructure priority with the Lumsden Point development recognised as strategically significant.
As a result, the Federal Government has invested $565 million to support common user port upgrades in the Pilbara, part of which will contribute to the development of Lumsden Point. This is in partnership with the WA Government, which has committed $96.6 million to the project.
The Lumsden Point development aims to ease increasing congestion and constraints on existing general cargo infrastructure and facilitate forecast trade growth in the Pilbara.
The 2023 Economic Significance of the Port of Port Hedland report, compiled by ACIL Allen Consulting for the Port Hedland Industries Council, said Lumsden Point when operational will add $22.6 billion in Gross Product over the 10 years from 2023-24. It will also support more than 6000 full-time jobs nationally.
This is in addition to contributing billions of dollars in economic benefits. The report shows:
- In 2023 the total economic contribution of the Port Hedland Port Supply Chain within Australia was $103.7 billion, equating to approximately 4% of the national economy.
- The Commonwealth Government received $14 billion in direct taxation contributions from the Port Hedland Port Supply Chain.
- It is estimated the Port Hedland Port Supply Chain and Lumsden Point combined will contribute $172.7 billion in taxation and royalty payments to the WA Government and Commonwealth Government between 2023-24 and 2032-33.
Growth and the Community
Growth cannot be achieved without people. It is the workers employed by Port Hedland industries, its supply chain and support businesses who provide the skills and expertise needed to enable industry to grow and diversify. These workers contribute to innovative ideas and realistic solutions that enable growth.
Many of these workers choose to live and work in Port Hedland with their families, contributing economically and socially to the community.
They are invested in the town, just like the many small and family run businesses, such as cafes, restaurants, hairdressers, landscapers, mechanics, builders, electricians and trucking enterprises.
With steady growth comes the ability to plan ahead not only for industry and government, but for community services. It means long-term sustainable jobs, strong local businesses and social investment in a range of educational, sporting and environmental and social programs, all aiming for a thriving, vibrant community.
The jobs and the wages flowing from the Port Hedland industry and its supply chain provide security and stability for thousands of people employed directly by the Port and its supply chain, indirectly in other occupations in the local community, and certainty for Port Hedland businesses, giving them the confidence to grow and prosper.
Growth of the port and exports over the next 10 years could deliver: